Saturday, January 25, 2014

A Dirty Confession

This is NOT how I wanted my day to begin! I purposely woke up thirty minutes earlier this morning so I would not feel stress over all that needed to be accomplished. Good plan, right? I thought so. After putting the coffee on, I sat down to have my devotions, check the calendar, make my daily, weekly, and monthly “to-do” lists (yes, you read that correctly!), fill out my grocery list, and sort my coupons. Glancing up at the clock, I realized how efficiently I was using my time. This is going to be a great day, I thought to myself.

Then I receive a text from a precious friend saying her father had passed away during the night. My heart sank! Suddenly, my mood changed from hopeful and energetic to discouraged. I stopped everything to pray. Shortly after that, another friend sent a text saying her brother had fallen unexpectedly ill and not expected to live. Once again, I prayed.

After knowing that the Lord had heard my prayers, I went about some other household chores. Then, it happened! The toilet overflowed!!! Now, I realize you are probably thinking this is no big deal, but let me just tell you, it was a very big deal!!! This was the second overflow in a week! Momentarily, I was frozen just watching the “water” creep higher and higher. I kept thinking, it will go down, surely, it will go down! As the water reached the top of the bowl and began to cascade down the sides, I raced frantically searching for the plunger, because, of course, someone had moved it! Spying it in another bathroom and grabbing it, I made a mad dash for the geyser that was now erupting in my bathroom. The plunger bravely met the resistance, but was no match for the powerful flow. This battle was going to take some time.

I am not sure what happened to me as I was repeatedly jamming that stupid plunger in the toilet, but suddenly I could hear someone yelling. It took a few seconds for me to realize that the voice I was hearing was my own. I was all but cursing at that porcelain statue and definitely having an out of body experience. Success finally came and the water began to recede, however, my temper did not. My poor husband, Bill, came around the corner to ask what had happened just as I hurtled the bathroom scale to the side, flung the wet rugs in his direction, and released the plunger with one final jab! Sitting there on my knees watching the plunger spin in the toilet, I very unpleasantly answered his question! He had the presence of mind to offer no reply. With three women in the house, plus a female dog, the man knows a hormone surge when he sees one!

What enraged me even more was the fact that as I was down there mopping up all that “water,” I realized how dirty the floor already was! When was the last time I mopped? Confession – I could not remember! Where had all these cracks in the tile come from? I had not noticed those before. Oh, so that’s where that hair pin went!

Needless to say, Bill left for work, and I sat down on the edge of our bed trying to sort out my reaction to this common household occurrence. I know it sounds crazy, but the Lord really does speak to me in times like this! As my breathing returned to normal and my need for an oxygen tank began to decrease, I said this prayer, Lord, I know there is something here you want to show me, what in the world is it? His response was simple; You became upset over something that was normal and manageable even after proper choices were made this morning. Putting Me first and giving your day to Me was the right decision. However, sometimes you need to work through a “disaster” to get to the heart of the matter. You were consumed with the obvious, I am concerned about what is hidden. You did not notice the dirt on the floor until you were eye level with it, cleaning up the immediate mess. The dirt on the floor that you missed is where I am.

So, after apologizing to my husband, mopping the floor, tossing the wet towels in the washer, and throwing out my champion, the plunger (I need a new one anyway), here is where I landed. . .

1. Even though my day began properly with devotions and prayer, that cannot be enough! Earnestly seeking and praying through out the day will keep my focus on the Lord.
2. My reaction to this manageable event, reveals that I am lacking somewhere! Duh! Right?! Perhaps I need some time away.
3. I need to evaluate everything that is causing me stress and eliminate that which is not necessary. In other words, SAY NO, even if that is to myself. Ever tried telling yourself no?
4. Honestly ask the Lord to reveal hidden areas of “dirt” in my life and seek His guidance regarding those issues that He lovingly wants to clean. I want to be where He is, even if it is dirty.

Think I will go get my mop and get after some dirt!

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