Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Crazy Talk

Some day I am going to write a book. Yes, I have actually been saying that for the last 10 years and I don't really know why I haven't started. Well, yes, I do know! Just never seems to be enough time does there?

Have you ever shared an idea with someone and had their response be, "That's just crazy!" To me, that response is a challenge! I love crazy! I love the idea of something being out of the ordinary! I love the opportunity to think beyond status quo! In essence, I love crazy!

When I read my Bible, I see all kinds of crazy! For example, what in the world was Moses thinking when he led the Israelites THROUGH the Red Sea? What was Daniel thinking sitting in the lion's den? What were the 3 Hebrew children thinking inside that fiery furnace? What was Peter thinking when he stepped OUT of the boat during the storm?

See what I mean? Here in lies the basis for my eventual book! There are so many more examples of "crazy" in the Bible. According to the Webster's crazy has the following definitions:

crazy (adjective) - full of cracks or flaws
crazy (noun) - mad, insane, impractical, erratic
crazy (adverb) - passionately preoccupied

Hmm, I can see each of these definitions in each example I mentioned above!!! More on that later. . .

From a societal perspective, the word "crazy" is not viewed as a compliment. However, from a heavenly perspective, I think that it is something we should strive for.

If something is said to be "full of cracks or flaws" it is viewed as undesirable, but God views this as something He can work on. If someone is labeled as "mad or impractical" they are generally feared, but God labels them as "teachable." The term "passionately preoccupied" gives me the impression that someone is hung up on an issue and unable to see anything else, but God's impression is that He can scoop up that passion and enable us to be preoccupied with Him.

Call me crazy? Yeah, go ahead!

1 comment:

  1. Very good thought. I am ready to read that book! ;)
