I admit, there are times in my life, when I am stressed and stretched to the max! It’s safe to assume that most people find themselves in this place at multiple times during the course of a year, maybe even a week or day. Unfortunately, not even the Christ-follower can avoid these seasons. Many times my own frustration rises at the hand of others. I realize I am not supposed to allow this to happen, but the reality is, it does happen! I let people and circumstances “get” to me!
In these seasons, I have a lot to say because my natural sinful response is anger. My girls just roll their eyes at me and tell me to go write a letter, which is another one of my threats in these instances. I am just sure that if the person responsible for this annoying situation would just realize through the written word their error, all will be well! One of my most dramatic phrases is, “I am sooooo over it!” (“so” must be fully drawn out for the most dramatic impact) This phrase is sometimes uttered out loud in a rush of emotion, or it just explodes inside my head, usually followed by hot flashes, tears, and maybe a trip to the bathroom!
My “go-to” phrase can also be directed towards a person. I am not proud to admit that there are times I allow others to penetrate my defenses and negatively influence my thought process. Sometimes it is as simple as focusing on a mere phrase spoken by another that echoes inside my brain. The danger is the way that adverse verbiage seeps into the cracks of my confidence and begins to erode my faith. As those rocks of bitterness and resentment begin to split, there is a landslide of wreckage that rumbles down the mountain of my faith. In its destructive path the pristine valleys of peace that I have worked so hard for, are nicked and scared by these boulders. The beautiful evergreens of steadfastness are bent and broken. Where there was once a meadow of boundless wild flowers that sprung forth from the ash after God’s purging wild fire, there are only divots and smashed petals. Once this avalanche of annihilation begins, it cannot be stopped.
“I am soooooo over it!” Really, what I am saying is, “I am soooo under it!” When I step aside and let that first rock begin to roll it is as if I have just jumped on top of it begging for a wild ride down the hill. As that rock spirals downward, with me hanging on for dear life, I become my own worst enemy as I lie motionless on top of it careening out of control down the steep slop of life. After a while, I am so dizzy and disoriented that I don’t even realize I have just plowed over the beautiful things in my life that God has ordained and designed!
How does this process end? Well, it was concluded when Jesus voluntarily went to the cross and laid down His all. The cross is where we realize He is over it all! There is not one thing in this life, nor one person that we come into contact with that is accidental. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the Lord.” (Isaiah 55:8 NIV) The truth of this verse is what should be allowed in our lives. Our thoughts need to be His thoughts and we have to welcome His ways as our ways. When those frustrating circumstances arise and begin to peek over the ridge of our souls, we have to stand firm and remember, “. . .God placed all things under his (Jesus) feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church.” (Ephesians 1:22) Did you catch that? All things are under His feet, not His people, even the ones who are creating havoc in our lives!
There is a song that has resonated deep in my soul for the last several weeks. The bridge says,
The mountains shake before You, the demons run in fear
At the mention of the name King of Majesty
There is no power in hell,
Or any who can stand,
Before the power and the presence of the great I AM!
(“Great I Am” by Phillips, Craig, and Dean)
The next time you feel the pull of frustration and anger and you want to repeat my little phrase, remember that the Almighty Himself is repeating it along with you, “I AM sooooo over it!”
Amen, my sister, my friend!