When I was young, my favorite Christmas movie was The Little Drummer Boy. I also loved a song in the movie called, "Do You Hear What I Hear" by Noel Regney and Gloria Shayne. Perhaps it was the haunting melody of the song that soothed my soul or maybe the concept of the second verse;
"Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy
Do you hear what I hear?
Ringing through the sky shepherd boy
Do you hear what I hear?
A song, a song
High above the tree
With a voice as big as the seas
With a voice as big as the seas"
Now that I have you humming Christmas songs in July, read the verse again. A simple question is asked, yet a simple answer cannot be given because I do not hear what you hear. We all hear differently.
During heated discussions we may assume others hear and understand what we are saying in the manner in which it is intended, but the reality is many times they do not. When I say to my spouse that my feelings are not hurt by his actions, does he hear the quiver in my voice? It is definitely there and in my opinion, screaming loudly for all to hear, yet does he hear what I hear? If I am asked to do a favor for a friend and the request is followed by, "It's okay if you can't," is it really okay? Did I hear that correctly? Do you hear what I hear?
How about when God speaks to us. There are many examples in the Bible that seem clear enough! Adam heard God's voice in the Garden of Eden when He asked,"Where are you?" (Genesis 3:9) Moses heard God's voice when he received the Ten Commandments, "Then the Lord said to
Moses. . ." (Exodus 34:27-28). As Jesus was baptized, John the Baptist and those crowded around the Jordan River heard God's voice respond, "This is my Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased," (Matthew 3:17).
Unfortunately, I have never heard the voice of God audibly, nor have I known anyone who has, yet I do hear Him. I hear Him on my morning walks with our oldest daughter, Ashlee, as she shares with me her hopes and dreams and what God is doing in her life. I hear Him as I watch our youngest daughter, Paige, practice ballet with her class. She is so graceful and there is such peace and fluidity in her movements that I can hear God gently whisper the same to me. I hear Him as I listen each Sunday morning to my husband, Bill, preach the Word of God at Bethlehem Chapel. I know this one seems obvious, but the journey to arrive at this place has been a wild ride! As I listen, I hear once again the promises made in the quiet secret times with the Lord. I remember the voice that I heard all those years speaking life, freedom, and hope.
My place in life is not the same as yours! The promises made to me are mine, not for anyone else. Each one of us has a unique call from the Lord with talents and gifts to sustain that call. I cannot hear for anyone else. What do you hear when you quiet yourself before the Lord? How about when life is not so quiet, what can you hear? He is speaking, but the question is not "Do You Hear What I Hear?" The question for each of us should simply be, "Am I Listening?"
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