Well, my birthday is this week! Now, this isn’t a shameful way to prompt well wishes,
although I will gladly receive them, it’s just that I have been thinking. Birthdays are just numbers, or really
accomplishments. This week, I have
achieved the number 48 and it doesn’t scare me one bit! Oh, I realize I have now progressed to
my “late” forties, but who cares!
Well, actually, I do!
Like most women, I have yet to attain complete satisfaction
with myself. I suppose I am still
waiting for all the planets to align!
Not going to happen! So,
here is what I have decided, I am not perfect, won’t ever be and don’t want to
be, so for now, I am going to dress what I got and make it hot!
Let me explain . . . if I analyze myself for too long, I
begin to focus on only the negative
or undesirable things about myself. For example, mercy is not my gift.
When they are sick, my girls ask, “So, how many days of sympathy do I
get?” Pretty pathetic! I am not proud of that, nevertheless,
it is reality. I can learn to be
better at that, and I think I have, but there is always progress that
can be made. For now, I am going
to allow that lack of mercy to be dressed and viewed for what it is while I
continue to work on it. That, ladies,
is hot because it is honest.
Another example; of the many physical flaws I can find with
myself, the one that drives me the craziest is the flab! That annoying giggle I feel when I walk
or run on the treadmill. Drives me
crazy to see that muffin top spill over my beautiful skinny jeans! Doesn’t
matter how much the jeans cost, the spread is still there! Well, here’s the deal, it is there, so
I am going to embrace it, for
now. However, while I am working
on it, I am going to dress it because I got it and make it look as good as I
At this point, if you are still
reading at all, you are wondering, “Where is the spiritual context for all of
this vanity?!” Please do not remind me that charm is deceptive and beauty is
fleeting! I get it! Well, our theme for the Her Voice blog
has been “Sabbath.” According to
Webster’s, that word literally means to rest from work. It dawned on me a few weeks ago how much
time I spend obsessing over things that are a complete waste of time. No one else even notices the things I
focus on, am I right here?!!! If I am truly going to observe and embrace
“Sabbath” in my life, then I need to bring these areas into submission and
allow the Father to cover them for me.
Suddenly, my attitude has changed. I am no longer focusing on these “trouble” spots in my life
because my attention is drawn to the effort to change them rather than the
results or lack of results. This
is where I find my “Sabbath!” Rest
comes easily when I embrace ALL God has given me because these things are
Change never comes as quickly as we want it. Rest is many
times elusive. The process is
always where the Lord manages to take hold of us and make something truly
beautiful. Dress what you got
ladies, because it’s ALL hot!