Saturday, January 25, 2014

Ordinary to Extraordinary

I make tea in stressful situations. When my girls are working on difficult projects, I make them a tea tray. Like clockwork, about 3 p.m. I need a “cupa,” as my British friend says. Since the time my girls were little, I have always said there is never anything we can’t solve together over a cup of tea and I am never too busy to brew a pot. I have just taken Paige a tea tray and brewed myself a pot of tea. We must be solving the world’s problems today!

Tea is an ordinary drink consumed world-wide yet tea can be served with ceremony. When I would visit my grandmother, tea is what she served with lunch, everyday, no matter the menu, even hot dogs! Tea at her house was a staple and represented comfort and relaxation. I now have the cup she used. On my first visit to Victoria, British Columbia as a young girl, I was completely astonished how every business closed down for tea in the afternoon. The teahouse that my dad took us too on that trip is the birthplace of my love for the tea ceremony.

I do not understand how tea brings me such peace or how the tea ceremony can make me feel so special and fulfilled. After all, it’s just boiled water poured over a bunch of leaves! Doesn’t sound so special, does it. Yet, what comes from the natural resource of water and something nature provides can be extraordinary, if you take the time.

Isaiah 53:2 says, “He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground.” I love the analogy of nature here and how the shoot of the plant is soft and tender. Usually nothing comes from parched ground, but in this case something miraculous happened. “He had no beauty or majesty. . .” Unless you are consuming tea in a fine tea house or with the queen, I would say tea has no beauty or majesty in and of itself. “. . . no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.”

How often I forget that God has provided us with something so ordinary, a Son. The commonality of His birth and His appearance is just a plain old cup of tea in one of my chipped cups. Who He is, is the breathtakingly beautiful and peaceful tea ceremony, full of rich flavors and bouquets that take an ordinary life and make it extraordinary. My needs and desires are steeped in His glory. His Holy Spirit washes over the shriveled tea leaves of my offering and from it comes a glorious cup of surrender with praise and worship wafting from the surface with an aroma that is pleasing to only Him. It is there, in the middle of that cup of tea, with or without the ceremony, that I am at peace.

Choosing Disappointment

None of us willingly choose to be disappointed. Usually, we become disappointed when our expectations are not met. It sneaks into our minds when we have been overlooked for a promotion. It creeps into our hearts after a visit with far away loved ones comes to a close. It sinks into our souls when we realize that our actions have caused others pain.
Disappointment, what do we do with you?

According to the literal definition of this three-part word is as follows:

dis- – prefix, indicating reversal, negation, lack, or deprivation, removal or release

appoint – to select a person or a group of people for an official position or to do a particular job, to fix or agree upon a particular time or place for something to happen

-ment – suffix, denoting action or resulting state, a product, or means

The root word “appoint” can be a touchy subject amongst men and women. I believe that the Bible clearly gives examples of women called by God and appointed for certain tasks. Mordecai challenged Esther to rise to the occasion to save her people. The prophet Deborah was given the task of leading others into battle. King Josiah sent the priest Hilkiah, to ask God’s direction from the prophetess, Huldah. Let us not forget Mary, the mother of Jesus. Although her role in history was not an official one, she was clearly chosen based upon something special God saw within her. These women were selected for official positions at specific times. In these instances, God chose women to carry out His plan.

The Bible is also full of many examples where men have been appointed for specific tasks and jobs. Could it be that God really has called us, regardless of gender, to serve Him in different capacities at different times? Could it be possible for male and female to serve one another as well as alongside one another? What happens when we begin to have expectations? Could it be that when we begin to use the language of entitlement, perhaps based upon gender, we are setting ourselves up to be dis-appointed?

This is a sensitive topic where heated discussions can ensue. I firmly believe that each one of us, regardless of our gender, have a specific calling upon our lives to be used by the Lord in some capacity. There will be those whose tasks are more public than others. I realize that many have been overlooked based upon their gender, and this fact cannot be ignored. However, I do believe that God appoints us Himself and no man, or woman, can stand in our way. His good and perfect will is accomplished, although it may not be in the ways we expect, which can lead us to feel disappointed. Yet, to accept this state is to actually allow ourselves to become removed from the appointments God has for us, to accept dis-appointment.

Scripture has intentionally been excluded in regards to this topic because of the ease in which certain verses could be misinterpreted. There must be an understanding of these passages regarding women from a cultural and historical standpoint. Likewise, personalities, circumstances, and situations must be considered when considering present day leadership within the church body whether that is male or female.

Many times problems are easily identified while solutions are less apparent. Overall, we need to look to Jesus and the example He has set with regard to women, whether in leadership over others, or whether working alongside others. Again, examples could be given, but not without the risk of interjecting personal bias. Take some time to research Christ’s involvement with women and allow the Lord to guide you in this study.

As long as there is sin in the world, there will be prejudice. God sets kingdoms and He destroys kingdoms as a result of actions taken by mankind. Prayerfully and objectively consider the times you may have been rejected. I believe individual solutions can be determined by this exercise. What have you learned? Can you see God’s hand in the situation? The answers to these questions may not always be positive, however, God has a way of “righting” a “wrong” in His timing. His ways and thoughts are far above our own. I absolutely believe that His plan for our lives will prevail IF we surrender all forms of entitlement, humbly posture ourselves to receive His direction, and choose appointment rather than dis-appointment, THEN we are positioned properly and can receive His greatest blessings!

A Dirty Confession

This is NOT how I wanted my day to begin! I purposely woke up thirty minutes earlier this morning so I would not feel stress over all that needed to be accomplished. Good plan, right? I thought so. After putting the coffee on, I sat down to have my devotions, check the calendar, make my daily, weekly, and monthly “to-do” lists (yes, you read that correctly!), fill out my grocery list, and sort my coupons. Glancing up at the clock, I realized how efficiently I was using my time. This is going to be a great day, I thought to myself.

Then I receive a text from a precious friend saying her father had passed away during the night. My heart sank! Suddenly, my mood changed from hopeful and energetic to discouraged. I stopped everything to pray. Shortly after that, another friend sent a text saying her brother had fallen unexpectedly ill and not expected to live. Once again, I prayed.

After knowing that the Lord had heard my prayers, I went about some other household chores. Then, it happened! The toilet overflowed!!! Now, I realize you are probably thinking this is no big deal, but let me just tell you, it was a very big deal!!! This was the second overflow in a week! Momentarily, I was frozen just watching the “water” creep higher and higher. I kept thinking, it will go down, surely, it will go down! As the water reached the top of the bowl and began to cascade down the sides, I raced frantically searching for the plunger, because, of course, someone had moved it! Spying it in another bathroom and grabbing it, I made a mad dash for the geyser that was now erupting in my bathroom. The plunger bravely met the resistance, but was no match for the powerful flow. This battle was going to take some time.

I am not sure what happened to me as I was repeatedly jamming that stupid plunger in the toilet, but suddenly I could hear someone yelling. It took a few seconds for me to realize that the voice I was hearing was my own. I was all but cursing at that porcelain statue and definitely having an out of body experience. Success finally came and the water began to recede, however, my temper did not. My poor husband, Bill, came around the corner to ask what had happened just as I hurtled the bathroom scale to the side, flung the wet rugs in his direction, and released the plunger with one final jab! Sitting there on my knees watching the plunger spin in the toilet, I very unpleasantly answered his question! He had the presence of mind to offer no reply. With three women in the house, plus a female dog, the man knows a hormone surge when he sees one!

What enraged me even more was the fact that as I was down there mopping up all that “water,” I realized how dirty the floor already was! When was the last time I mopped? Confession – I could not remember! Where had all these cracks in the tile come from? I had not noticed those before. Oh, so that’s where that hair pin went!

Needless to say, Bill left for work, and I sat down on the edge of our bed trying to sort out my reaction to this common household occurrence. I know it sounds crazy, but the Lord really does speak to me in times like this! As my breathing returned to normal and my need for an oxygen tank began to decrease, I said this prayer, Lord, I know there is something here you want to show me, what in the world is it? His response was simple; You became upset over something that was normal and manageable even after proper choices were made this morning. Putting Me first and giving your day to Me was the right decision. However, sometimes you need to work through a “disaster” to get to the heart of the matter. You were consumed with the obvious, I am concerned about what is hidden. You did not notice the dirt on the floor until you were eye level with it, cleaning up the immediate mess. The dirt on the floor that you missed is where I am.

So, after apologizing to my husband, mopping the floor, tossing the wet towels in the washer, and throwing out my champion, the plunger (I need a new one anyway), here is where I landed. . .

1. Even though my day began properly with devotions and prayer, that cannot be enough! Earnestly seeking and praying through out the day will keep my focus on the Lord.
2. My reaction to this manageable event, reveals that I am lacking somewhere! Duh! Right?! Perhaps I need some time away.
3. I need to evaluate everything that is causing me stress and eliminate that which is not necessary. In other words, SAY NO, even if that is to myself. Ever tried telling yourself no?
4. Honestly ask the Lord to reveal hidden areas of “dirt” in my life and seek His guidance regarding those issues that He lovingly wants to clean. I want to be where He is, even if it is dirty.

Think I will go get my mop and get after some dirt!

Baa Baa Black Sheep

Remember the nursery rhyme? I admit, I never really understood this one. Seriously, what would a little boy do with a bag full of black sheep wool? Sounds like trouble to me!

Have you ever used this phrase: He or she is the black sheep of the family?

I just discovered that you can purchase a variety of merchandise with “black sheep” printed on them for all to see! (see

According to the phrase black sheep of the family means “A disreputable or disgraced member of a family.” Traditionally, this is the understood meaning of this phrase with a negative connotation. According to this website the first known use of this phrase in a derogatory fashion was by an English Puritan, Thomas Shepard, in a text penned in 1640:

Cast out all the Prophane people among us, as drunkards, swearers, whores, lyers, which the Scripture brands for blacke sheepe, and condemnes them in a 100
places. –The Sincere Convert

Strong language! Tell us how you really feel Mr. Shepard! During this same time period in England the poor little black sheep was bearing the same superstitions as the black cat. However, in the 19th century, the Folk-Lore Record of 1878 stated: “We speak figuratively of the one black sheep that is the cause of sorrow in a family, but in its reality it is regarded by the Sussex shepherd as an omen of good luck to his flock.” (

No one sets out to become the black sheep, it just sort of happens as a result of situations and circumstances. Sometimes these are within our control and poor choices are made, yet other times, out of our control. Standing firm in our faith can sometimes propel us towards the unwelcome title of black sheep.

The Bible uses the example of sheep in literal and figurative ways. The Sheep Gate was an actual gateway in Jerusalem. (Neh. 3:1, 32, NIV) Sheep were used as sacrifices in the temple. (2 Chron. 29:33) Jesus is referred to as a great Shepherd of the sheep. (Heb. 13:20) Sheep were used to illustrate points in some of the parables He shared as in Luke 15:3-7. In John 10:14 and 27, we see He knows the voice of His sheep and they recognize His voice. Notice in these references there is no mention as to the color of the sheep.

As mentioned above, the phrase “black sheep” generally indicates someone who has a tarnished reputation or is persecuted for their thoughts and ideas. I find myself asking the question, “so what?” In some instances being referred to as a “black sheep” could be positive such as when we defend our beliefs as Christians. This phrase could also describe someone who is a unique individual in his or her perspective on life. God creates as He chooses.

The Message translation highlights this phrase “black sheep” in Isaiah 53.

Vs 7-9 “He was beaten, he was tortured, but he didn’t say a word. Like a lamb taken to be slaughtered and like a sheep being sheared, he took it all in silence. . . He died without a thought for his own welfare. . .”
Vs 10 “Still, it’s what God had in mind all along. . . The plan was that he give himself as an offering for sin so that he’d see life come from it – life, life, and more life. ”
Vs 11-12 “. . . Therefore I’ll reward him extravagantly - the best of everything, the highest honors - Because he looked death in the face and didn’t flinch, because he embraced the company of the lowest. He took on his own shoulders the sin of the many, he took up the cause of all the black sheep.”

Suddenly, that phrase no longer represents disgrace, but redeem-ability! He came in the lowest of forms, an infant who was helpless, in order to take up my cause and to remind me that I am valuable to Him and worth much.

I am a black sheep
I do have wool,
yes sir, yes sir three bags full!
All is for my Master
Much is to be gained
And all my sins forgiven by the One who knows my name!!!

I am a black sheep!