Yesterday was Father's Day, just in case any of you out there missed that. Don't bother going to Walmart to get a card because there are none left! I have never understood where holiday cards mysteriously disappear to the second a holiday is over!
I lost my dad almost 9 years ago. Father's Day does not bother me, I have plenty of honorable men in my life to pay homage to. Of course, I think of my dad and miss him on this holiday, but it is generally not a real tear-jerker for me.
What does generate tears of loss and sadness, grieving and mourning, are life's unexpected trials and tribulations, the "wow, I didn't see that coming " moments. For example, Memorial Day is difficult for me because my Dad's last career, he had several, was in the cemetery business. Strange as it may sound, this was a work day for him. He would put his suit and tie on and head out to the cemetery to visit with families and hear their stories of what brought them to their loved ones graveside.
Another example is this past weekend when we had a "crisis" in our household that required much prayer and guidance. Bill's first instinct was to call his Dad on the phone and seek his council. That is the tough situation for me, not holidays, life's everyday stuff! Not having the ability to pick up the phone and call my own father and hear his words of wisdom is heartbreaking!
I have kept a journal of letters I have written to my Dad since he died. It is a painful record of things he has missed and how I have missed him. However, Psalm 68:5 says, "A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling."
So, here is the point of this blog. . . after expressing my sorrow over the weekend on my favorite social networking site, a friend posted a comment that I should be still and listen, and I would will hear my father's voice.
After a little "moment" with the Lord at the altar on Sunday a lady approached me and sat next to me. She gently put her arm around me and simply said, "God is always with you. There is never anything you will go through in life where He is not there. Does not matter what the situation is, He will not ask you to go through it alone." Let's just be frank. . . I was speechless and completely dumb-founded. First of all, I am just getting to know this particular lady and she is quite a tough cookie in many ways. As she said this to me, I saw the tears in her own eyes and I realized what a privilege it was to share this moment with her and see into her soul like I am sure few others have. Secondly, it was just the kind of thing my Dad would say, simple and to the point. Dad was like that all the time, mean what you say and say what you mean, he had no time for foolishness.
With another tight squeeze, she got up and moved away. I was immediately reminded of how wonderful God is and the depth of compassion He has for His children. I know He has a special place in his heart for widows and orphans. In that moment I was reminded of what my FB friend had said - be still and listen and I would hear my father's voice. I heard my father's voice and I also heard my Father's voice loud and clear!