The book of Leviticus is authored by Moses, one of my favorite Bible heroes, and focuses on the Law. What does that mean, exactly? It means that the entire book is about rules, right? Well, sort of, if you choose to see it that way as many people do. However, when you examine it further you see that really it is a book about holiness. An old fashioned word, I know, but a word that is just a relevant in today's culture and society as it was then in the days of Moses and the Israelites.
My focus today is on the second chapter of Leviticus. This chapter is only 16 verses, but it packs a punch if you dig a little. The subject matter of this chapter is the grain offering and how it is to be prepared and presented to the Lord.
Here is what I noticed: the Israelites were given options by God on how the grain offering could be prepared. Options? Really? In the book of Leviticus? YES, really!!! Take a look:
- verse 1 & 2 “‘When anyone brings a grain offering to the LORD, their offering is to be of the finest flour. They are to pour olive oil on it, put incense on it 2 and take it to Aaron’s sons the priests.
- verse 4 “‘If you bring a grain offering baked in an oven . . . "
- verse 5 "If your grain offering is prepared on a griddle. . . "
- verse 7 "If your grain offering is cooked in a pan. . ."
No matter what method of preparation the Israelites chose, the end result was the same. A portion of their grain offering was burned upon the altar in sacrifice to God and the rest was given to the priests for consumption. This was considered the most holy part of the sacrifice.
God gave His people specific instructions on what, how, and why to do this, but He also allowed them the freedom to choose which method worked best for them. Once again, we see the loving nature of our God. We see that through the Law, what seems like rules and regulations and bondage, how God was making a way for His people to come before Him, holy and acceptable in His sight. We see how the Law was God's provision for His people and how through obedience, He provided a pathway to His heart; a relationship is formed.
God's will is for all of us is to follow Him in holiness and obedience, but even within this walk, we are given choices and options. Many times we get too hung up on exactly what we are supposed to do. God was clear; bring the sacrifice to me so that I may consume it and be pleased with its aroma. We fear the process of obedience; will I make the wrong choice? How will I know if this is the right path? What if I get lost along the way? However, there are more important questions. What if I don't step out? What if I choose to disobey? What if I never move from this spot just because I am afraid?
Our path is clear. We are to bring the sacrifice. Sometimes the method is up to us.